1. Taiwan NTU Physics Prof. Mario Hofmann & Academia IAMS Prof. Ya-Ping Hsieh’s MYLab. http://mylabntu.weebly.com/
Japan Chiba University Material Engineering Prof. Nobuyuki Aoki’s Quantum Nanodevice Lab. https://adv.chiba-u.jp/nano/qnd/index.html
Taiwan NTU Physics Prof. Chi-Te Liang’s CEOS Lab. https://web.phys.ntu.edu.tw/semi/ceos/general.htm
USA National Institute of Standards and Technology Dr. Randolph E. Elmqusit’s Fundamental Electrical Measurements group. https://www.nist.gov/people/randolph-elmquist
Taiwan CYCU Physics Prof. Jyh-Shyang Wang’s MBE Lab.
Taiwan CYCU Physics Prof. Yuan-Liang Zhong’s Nano Device and Mesoscopic Physics Lab.
Taiwan NTU CCMS Prof. Danru Qu’s Quantum Spintronic Lab. https://sites.google.com/view/drqu
Taiwan NTU CCMS Prof. Heng-Liang Wu’s Interfacial Materials Chemistry Lab.https://sites.google.com/view/hlwugroup/home?authuser=0
9. South Korea SKKU Electronic & Electrical Engineering Prof. Gil-Ho Kim’s Semiconductor Nano Device Lab. https://www.sndl.skku.edu/
10. Taiwan Sinica Academia IAMS Prof. Wei-Hua Wang's Nanodevice Physics lab. https://idv.sinica.edu.tw/wwang/